許多研究證實膳食補充品不僅可以預防或治療慢性疾病以增進人體健康,也能影響孩童的注意力與情緒反應,進而影響到學習狀況。本研究目的在探討台南市某國小二年級學童服用膳食補充品的現況,與服用補充品對其情緒狀態的影響。藉由問卷調查,請受訪學童的家長協助填寫學童基本資料與補充品使用狀況,導師則針對受訪學童填寫情緒障礙量表。結果顯示:一、男女童服用比例相當,皆超過六成。二、服用者中,其父母親職業皆以「民意代表、行政主管、企業主管及經理人員、專業人員」比例最高。三、服用動機的比例最高為「改善過敏體質」。四、服用補充品者其體重與 BMI 皆低於未服用者,其過敏比例顯著高於未服用者。五、服用膳食補充品的學童,其「整體能力」、「生理症狀或害怕」兩分量表顯著較未服用者表現負向情緒;而服用商品數較多者,其「人際關係問題」、「不當行為」分量表亦較未服用者表現負向情緒;規律服用者的「不當行為」分量表亦顯著表現相同趨勢。結論:依據飲食態度和知識上的改變,膳食補充品的使用情形有持續追蹤調查之必要。 TDietary supplements (DS) can be benefit to prevention or treatment of chronic disease in order to health improvement. DS also may impact children on their attention, emotions, and behavior, which further influence their school performance. The purpose of this study is to investigate the usage and emotional status in DS users of 2nd graders in elementary school. Parents of students help to fill in the basic information and DS usage questionnaire, and the teachers prepared their Scale for Assessing Emotional Disturbance (SAED). Results indicated that: 1. Boys and girls were more than 60% DS usage. 2. “Representatives, supervisors or managers in public agencies or enterprises, and professionals” were higher in DS intake. 3. The reason for taking DS mostly was to improve children’s health to prevent allergies. 4. The weight, BMI and allergies of students who took DS were bad than those who didn’t consume DS, significantly. 5. Compared to without taking DS, the students showed poor performance on “Overall capacity” and “Physical symptoms or fear” of SAED, significantly. Besides, the students who taking more items of DS were expressed poor performance on “Relationship problems”(RP) and “Improper behavior” of SAED. The performance on “Improper behavior” of SAED of those who took regular DS also showed the same trend. Conclusion: DS usage and practice in students are need to follow-up investigation in according to dietary attitude and knowledge change.