為使四重溪溫泉區之溫泉資源能夠永續發展,本研究擬針對四重溪溫泉區進行總量管制措施,首先以文獻回顧法找出問卷架構之三大層面(水文地質、水利行政與市場區隔)及層面下之影響因子(長期溫泉水位、長期溫泉溫度、地質構造、降雨;政策導向、教育宣導;經營型態、遊客量),再經由回顧國內外溫泉管制案例彙整可行之備選方案。影響因子之間可能彼此存在相依關係,故本研究以分析網路程序法(Analytical Network Process, ANP)為研究方法,以Super Decisions軟體進行分析,取得學界、業者與行政部門三利益團體的影響因子及備選方案之權重排序。本研究將24頁的成對比較專家問卷簡化為8頁的重要性比較問卷,可大幅減少填答時間與避免產生一致性偏誤。本研究利用SUPER DECISIONS分析三利益團體之問卷,學界備選方案前三名依序為「建置監測系統與資料庫分析」、「劃定分級保護區」、「分級試水並訂井距」;業者備選方案前三名排序為「溫泉業者合法化輔導」、「收取溫泉使用費」、「建置監測系統與資料庫分析」;行政部門備選方案前三名排序為「安裝計量設施以控管水權」、「建立取供事業」、「劃定分級保護區」。三利益團於未施行備選方案中皆有「建立取供事業」,顯示若要妥善管理四重溪溫泉資源,可考量增列建立取供事業此一管制措施。 It is an important issue to make the resources be sustainable for all human kinds. From the newest groundwater level observation report, there is a hot-spring resources exhausted problem in Sih-Chung-Shi Hot-Spring area. Thus, it cannot be waited to push the work of total amount control measures. However, the policy is usually difficult to implement cause formulating without consideration of interest groups. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to ensure the assessment indicators of perspectives by combining opinions of interest groups. This study get all of impact factors and alternatives by way of research, analyzing expert questionnaire by Analytical Network Process, ANP. This study analyzed the results from a questionnaire survey taken by three interest groups using the SUPER DECISIONS software. The top three alternative initiatives selected by the academia were in descending order ‘creating monitoring system and database analyses’, ‘designating and grading protected areas’, and ‘pumping test and defining well spacing’; those by the industry: ‘assisting with the legalization of hot spring operators’, ‘charging for hot spring usage’, and ‘creating monitoring system and database analysis’; and those by the administration: ‘installing meter infrastructure for the control of water rights’, ‘establishing stakekholders’ and ‘designation and grading of protected areas’. Among the not implemented alternative initiatives, all the three groups selected ‘establishing providers’. This shows that ‘establishing stakeholders’ may be an additional control measure for the proper management of the hot spring resources in Sih-chong-Shi Hot-Spring area.