政府近年來推動節慶觀光活動,欲將臺灣各地的風俗民情介紹給國民和觀光客,然地方節慶觀光活動快速成長,過於著墨在行銷理念的傳達且活動間相互模仿模式,以致缺乏創新獨特性及忽略節慶中所蘊含的文化層面。本研究以府城開隆宮做16歲成年禮活動為例,採用便利抽樣方式對參與遊客發放200份問卷調查,共得185份有效問卷。藉由問卷瞭解參與活動的遊客之旅遊動機、觀光意象、滿意程度及重遊意願其間之關係,並藉由深度訪談印證推論,探尋做十六歲成人禮活動永續發展的因素。 研究結果顯示:1.遊客旅遊動機對滿意度有顯著正向關聯。2.遊客觀光意象對滿意度有顯著正向關聯。3.遊客滿意度對重遊意願無顯著正向關聯。4.遊客旅遊動機對重遊意願有顯著正向關聯。5.遊客觀光意象對重遊意願有顯著正向關聯。6.質化訪談結論與量化資料相互印證,多數結果一致。 最後,本研究希望依據實證研究結果提供建議予相關單位參考。預期從中找出舉辦做十六歲節慶活動的永續元素及未來發展觀光之契機,進而帶動台南市的觀光人潮以增加地方的觀光效益。 In recent years, in order to promote sightseeing activities in the festivals, the government intends to introduce folk customs to domestic and foreign tourists. However, with the rapid development of local sightseeing activities, people mainly focus on the delivery of marketing concept. Moreover, due to the intimation of activity mode, it is lack of creativity and uniqueness and the cultural connotations in the festivals are ignored. Therefore, the study taking the centennial celebration of Kailong Palace in Tainan and 16-year-old The Coming-of-Age Celebration as the example, with questionnaire survey, issuing questionnaires 200 effective samples 185 copies.This study intends to understand the travel motivation, tourism image, satisfaction and revisiting willingness of tourists who take part in activities, and to analyze their relationships. The results of the theses list below,1.Travel motivation had significant positive influences to satisfaction.2.Tourism image had significant positive influences to satisfaction.3.Satisfaction had no significant positive influences to revisiting willingness .4.Travel motivation had significant positive influences to revisiting willingness. 5.Tourism image had significant positive influences to revisiting willingness. 6.The almost same result came from the comparison between qualitative and quantitative data. It aims to find out the sustainability of holding16-year-old The Coming-of-Age celebration activities in Tainan and future sightseeing opportunities so as to attract more tourists, promoting sightseeing and improving economic performance in Tainan.