本研究主要是利用發散式(Divergent method)方法進行樹枝狀聚胺基甲酸酯 Polyurethane Dendrimers (PUAD-EIA , PUAD-OH , PUAD-NH2) 之合成,以傅利葉紅外線光譜儀 (FT-IR) 與核磁共振光譜儀(NMR)分析確認樹枝狀高分子的化學結構,並測試其物理化學性質,如以穿透式電子顯微鏡(TEM)分析粒徑型態,及表面電位分析儀分析表面電位,利用酸鹼滴定分析緩衝能力,MTT assay 進行細胞毒性測試,並觀察其水解能力及分析藥物溶解度。我們發現合成的樹枝狀高分子是具生物可分解性、奈米尺寸、在體內有長循環時間,能提高水溶性不佳的藥物之溶解度,且具有良好的生物相容性,可以作為理想基因與藥物傳輸系統的樹枝狀高分子。 The aim of this study is preparation of polyurethane dendrimers (PUAD-EIA, PUAD-OH,PUAD-NH2) by divergent method.The chemical structure of the dendrimer was indentified by fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR).To evaluate their physical and chemical properties, we executed a series of experiments. The particles size was characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Zeta-potential analyzer was also performed to understand surface properties of polymer. Acid-base titration studies was performed to determine the buffering capacities.The MTT assay was used to assess the cytotoxicity of polymers, in addition, observed the hydrolysis ability and analysis of drug solubility. We found that the synthesized dendritic polymer is biodegradable, nano-sized,and can increase the solubility of poorly water-soluble drugs. From above data, polyurethane dendrimers can be used as an ideal gene and drug delivery system.