結果顯示,費氏麴菌在起始 pH 4.5、溫度40℃條件下,培養天數至第7天時能提高acetylaszonalenin 0.61 mg的產量。並分別在第11天與第14天出現較高產能。碳源與氮源濃度減少為0.5倍與缺乏條件下,造成acetylaszonalenin的產量降低。氮源改變為 meat peptone 培養時產量增加1.29 mg。顯示在起始pH 4.5、溫度40℃、氮源改變為 meat peptone 的條件培養比原條件起始 pH 5.5、溫度37℃,提高3.34倍的產量。生物活性結果顯示,添加黃柏水萃物,明顯提高N. fischeri抗氧化的能力;但大黃水萃物的添加則在生物轉化後所得的二次代謝物,其抗氧化能力有逐漸降低的趨勢。 The aim of this study is to investigate the optimal growth condition and biological activities of secondary metabolites from Neosartorya fischeri. According to protocol, the Neosartoya fischeri deployed YMG medium (pH 5.5) and cultured under 37 °C for two weeks. The total amount of secondary metabolites from N. fischeri was extracted and collected every day and analyzed by using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
We observed a peak appeared in HPLC chromatogram at Tr=22.5. After purification and structure elucidation by MS, 1D and 2D NMR, we identified this compound as acetylaszonalein. Therefore, we use acetylaszonalenin as the reference compound for the subsequent secondary metabolites studies of N. fischeri. The environmental factors for growing N. fischeri, such as pH, temperature, carbon sources, nitrogen sources had been changed to investigate the changes of secondary metabolite profiles. Futhermore, we utilized the biotransformation technology to co-culture with the extracts of Chinese herbal medicines, such as Radix et Rhizoma Rhei, Cortex phellodendri, and Radix Scutellariae and to evaluate the preliminary biological activity by MTT and DPPH assay.
We concluded that the production of secondary metabolites, acetylaszonalenin, was increased by using pH 4.5, 40℃ and meat peptone nitrogen source as growth condition. When the starvation studies proceed, the production of acetylaszonalenin biosynthesis decreased. The biotransformation of N. fischeri with Cortex phellodendri water extract significantly improved the antioxidant activity of N. fischeri.