嘉義山地之主要蜂蜜基源動物一一東洋蜜蜂( Apis indica Radoszkowski )所釀成之蜂蜜,利用高速液相層析法( HPLC)分析其主要之糖分即果糖,葡萄糖,麥芽糖及蔗糖之含量,並和本省各地之主要蜂蜜基源動物一一西洋蜜蜂( Apis mellifera L.)所釀成之蜂蜜及市場所購得之蜂蜜,利用同法定量,並做一比較,知悉在糖分含量方面,同樣的蜜源植物時,雖然動物基源不同,但並沒有顯著的差異。 A HPLC method for quantitative analysis of Saccharides in honey from Apis indica Radoszkowski was investigated. Fructose,glucose. and other related saccharides were separated on the μ-Bondapak /Carbohydrate Column (Waters Associate ) with 85% Acetonitrile as the mobile phase. Another specimens from Apis mellifera L. and local market were also studied. The results showed that all Somples from different species have the similar levels of saccharides.