有關茵芋屬植物的分類文獻頗多,但彼此意見紛紜。本研究以各種解剖學方法探討該屬花部、數目、性別與葉部等各項構造。發現花部特徵在個體間變異較大,但呈連續狀態。葉外型及大小也有相同現象,但內部構造有較穩定而共通的特徵。綜合這些結果及地理學方面該屬分佈的途徑與花果期的資料顯示,整個台灣的族羣並未受到各種隔離機制的影響而造成不連續性(discontinuity),是故推論目前台灣茵芋屬植物不宜分為三個種羣;可能是原本以隔離的日本茵芋(S. japonica)和深紅茵芋(S. reeversiana)重新在台灣組合而成的一個複合羣。 There are various kinds of opinion concerned with the classification of Skimmia which is a small genus of Rutacean plants in Taiwan. Studies on morphology, anatomy, flowering time and geographical distributions were conducted with specimen from Taiwan and Japan. A comparative analysis using 59 specimens and the characteristics related to floral parts and leaves indicated that variations found in Taiwan population of Skimmia were without any conspicuose discontinuity. Results of these studies and flowering time and geographical distributions reveal that S. arisanensis and S. distincte-venulosa are morphologically indistinct from one another, and this complex groups may be evolved by the reunit of S. japonica and S. reeversiana two originally isolated species.