Competition in the healthcare sector has become increasingly severe because of the limited health insurance budget in Taiwan. Hospital innovation is an important resource for gaining competitive advantage according to the resource-based view of the firm. Little research has been conducted to explore its impact on customer-perceived quality of care. This study thus proposes a novel research framework for understanding the relationship between hospital innovation and customer-perceived quality of care. As the healthcare business has long been regarded as a special type of service sector, hospital innovation should include both medical and administrative innovations for effective improvement of service processes. The assessment of quality of care is complex in nature, involving evaluation of the structure, process, and outcome of care. Empirical examination has concluded that both types of hospital innovations have significant impact on all three aspects of quality of care. In particular, administrative innovation has been shown to have stronger impact on the quality of care than medical innovation.
Quality Assurance & Total Quality Management , 22(2), pp.227-241