This paper explores a new type of a 2-D human interface manipulator based on the tele-presence entertainment for mechanism design applications. A motion control of a multi-axes robot manipulator actuated by two servo motor is presented in this paper. The model of the tele-presence entertainment system is built based on a force sensor device behavior that enables the operator to feel the actual force feedback from the virtual environment just as she/he would from the real environment. A primary controller is used to develop a sensor device where realistic simulations of the dynamic interaction force between a human operator and the simulated virtual object/mechanism is required. Experiments on cutting virtual clay are used to validate the theoretical developments. It was shown that the effectiveness of the experimental and theoretical results is in good agreement and that the designed controller is confirmed by the experiment result. 遠端呈現的主要目的是將操作者與動感回饋裝置結合在一起,藉由操作者的智慧,透過人機界面機構,即時操縱動感回饋裝置以達成複雜的工作。系統主要組成包含了使用者界面、動態模擬與動感回饋裝置控制系統,在使用者界面方面主要由虛擬環境及視覺裝置所組成。本文提出利用機器手臂當作動感回饋裝置,使得人類手臂可以直接操控機器手臂,經由程式的規劃,可以感受到遠端呈現之環境中的變化,並透過螢幕上的即時顯示,呈現實際操作過程的環境變化。實驗部份則建立虛擬彈簧及阻尼的模型,並模擬虛擬切削的過程,在模擬過程當中,操作者感受到在虛擬環境中虛擬工具與虛擬物體接觸時產生的力量與動作。
Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers , 32(3), pp.235-242