電信自由化和市場開放之後,手機市場已步入成熟期,手機產品逐漸由功能性價值變成人們日常生活中的一部份,行動電話的用戶數在過去十幾年呈現高度成長,使手機成為科技產業中市場規模最大的消費電子產品。在目前激烈的智慧型手機市場的競爭之下,各家手機業者為了在眾多品牌和競爭者中脫穎而出,紛紛強力訴求手機產品差異化,其中整合資訊處理功能的智慧型手機即成為被看好的明日之星。現有消費者對於各品牌廠商就顯得相當重要,除了需要維持較高的消費者滿意度外,也必須將其滿意度化為實際的忠誠行為,進而鞏固市占率,以強化自身的競爭能力;因此本研究將以智慧型手機的消費者為對象,對消費者購買行為加以研究,並對消費者滿意度與忠誠度之關係予以探討,提供廠商制定行銷決策的參考。 Since the telecom liberalization and the open market policy in 1996, mobile phone market has entered a mature stage. The role of mobile phone products changed from its functional value to become part of our daily life gradually. The number of mobile phone users increased sharply in the past decade, this made mobile phone products prominent among the market of electronic consuming goods in the information technology industry.Under the fierce competition in the smart phone market, Enterprise trend to make their product different from other mobile phone supplier for become out standing between other brands and competitors. From this, integrates information processing function of smart phones is the most promising stars of tomorrow. Current customers are important to all brands. Apart from maintaining high customer satisfaction, satisfaction must be translated into actual loyal behavior, for the sake of strengthen their competitive ability and further consolidation of market share. Therefore, this study will be on the smart phone consumer, study of consumer buying behavior, and for consumer satisfaction and loyalty to explore the relationship between, providing enterprise with information for decision-making in marketing.