隨著國民養生、旅遊的意識高漲,近年來溫泉除理療、溫泉農業、溫泉美食外,國際間更朝向溫泉醫學面向來發展。本研究欲以溫泉美容角度,了解溫泉泥漿特殊之泉質,對於皮膚效果改善進行評估,以溫泉美容角度出發,為台灣溫泉產業提供一條新方向。研究分為兩部份進行:(1) 尋找100 名受試者,進行溫泉泥漿立即性使用,結果顯示,受試人員使用前後有顯著差異,且無論在皮膚粗糙度、毛孔大小和皮膚斑點改善方面,有80%以上使用者具有正面改善效果;(2) 尋找9 名受試者進行溫泉泥漿長期性改善效果研究,長期性使用溫泉泥漿,無論在皮膚粗糙度、毛孔大小和皮膚斑點改善方面,皆有持續且正面之改善效果。期望透過驗證關子嶺溫泉泥漿有正面改善膚質之效果,推廣國人溫泉對於人體膚質的好處,藉以提升泡溫泉之風氣。 With the growing interests of healthy living and tourism, in addition to physiotherapy, sap agriculture, spa cuisine, more researches have been done in the area of spa medicine. The purpose of this study is to understand Guanziling’s spa clay and assess its value in skin improvement. In the perspective of spa cosmetic, the study provides a new direction for the spa industry in Taiwan. The study is divided into to parts:Firstly, 100 volunteers applied Guanziling’s of spa clay on their hands for about 5 minutes, and compared the immediate change of their skins. Their using result shows significant improvement on skin quality, shrinking pore size and lightening blotchiness for eighty percent of users. Secondly, 9 volunteer were chosen to use Guanziling’s spa clay continually for # weeks/months. The result also shows similar positive effects on users’ hand skins. Through this study, I hope to introduce the cosmetic value of Guanziling’s spa clay and to promote the culture of spa medicine.