本研究比較不同加油站排水溝汙泥所馴化篩選出之菲降解菌株E12、E4、N2、M1、L2、L3,進行革蘭氏染色皆為革蘭氏陽性菌,並利用(Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)PAHs 16S rDNA 引子進行(Polymerase Chain Reaction)PCR 反應,進行菌種之親緣關係鑑定。篩選出來之菌株可分為三大群。此外,針對菲降解菌的降解能力及添加界面活性劑對於菌株降解活性之影響進行探討,結果顯示,E12、M1、L3 菌株對菲之降解效果較為顯著,培養過程中添加Tween80 界面活性劑可提升對降解菌的生長,且較添加Triton X-100 佳。從各分離源所篩選出之降解菌株E4、E12、N2、M1、L2、L3 均具有菲降解能力,其中L3 之降解效果最好。選出三株降解效率較好之菌株進行土壤模擬試驗,研究發現L3 試驗菌株於粘板岩沖積土(粘壤土)中有較好的降解效果。模擬菲污染土壤復育中,接種E12 菌株於砂頁岩沖積土降解速率較快,M1 菌株於紅壤中降解速率較快,L3 菌株於粘板岩沖積土中降解速率較快,顯示不同種類之土壤,因具有不同之土壤特性,各菌株之生長與降解狀態亦有所差異。 In this study, the phenanthrene degraders are isolated from the exposed sludge samples from various petroleum stations in southern Taiwan. The isolated strains in this study are E12, E4, N2, M1, L2 and L3. They are all Gram positive based by Gram stain. Phylogenetic relationship of the isolated strains was identified by 16S rDNA gene fragment. NJ tree indicated that all strains can be divided into three groups. The biodegradation assay of phenanthrene and effect of surfactants (Tween80 and Triton X-100) were also discussed in aqueous media inoculation with test strains, respectively. E12, M1 and L3 could carry out efficient degradation of phenanthrene as sole carbon source. The higher growth rate of test strains was obtained when Tween80 was used as surfactant instead of TritonX-100. L3 strain was able to mineralize phenanthrene in slate alluvial soil (clayey loam) suspension.