臺灣向來以宗教文化名聞遐邇,近年來又廣推宗教觀光主題式之深度旅遊於觀光市場,在追求舒展身心、獲取心靈成長之目的下,參與宗教觀光之遊客正以倍增趨勢上升。雖然宗教觀光是種亙古旅遊方式,但對於經營宗教觀光活動而言,如何將活動包裝使消費大眾接受,並滿足前往遊客之需求以提高滿意度,卻是一種新的思維。此外,宗教觀光活動之成功並不單一取決於參與遊客,而是建立在參觀者、廟方人員、陣頭活動人員。爰此,本研究將經由宗教觀光活動調查,瞭解參觀者參與活動之旅遊動機是不期而遇、走馬看花或無特定原因;廟方人員之動機則站在主辦單位之立場,本身對於宗教文化具有相對程度之信仰,透過參與宗教觀光提升自我;陣頭人員希望透過宗教觀光可欣賞更多表演,在切磋學習下進而增廣見聞與豐富自己之經驗。是故,宗教觀光與一般觀光旅遊動機是不同的,較著重於藝文知性之動機。陣頭活動人員對於「參與後,可更進一步了解臺灣的宗教文化」及「有提供活動路線至各活動場地的明確路標」最為滿意與重視;廟方人員對於「設立醫護站供遊客使用」及「有安排活動接駁車」最為滿意與重視;顯示不同參與者對於活動內容的重視焦點不同。 Taiwan has always been famous for religious tourism, and it become the subject-depth tourism recently. The issue of enhance the satisfaction of religious tourism is most important. Furthermore, the success of the religious tourism activities is not only depends on the involvement of visitors, but also the organizers of religious tourism, and troupe of groups. Therefore, we investigated the religious tourism destination image, cognition and perception of religious tourism among the organizers, and troupe of groups and visitors. Moreover, we analyzed the motives and purposes among them. We hope the results of our study can help promote the religious tourism to fit into the local spirits and development so the religious cultural might develop sustainability.