摘要: | 本研究目的在暸解2010 年PGA 高爾夫選手果嶺擊球技能與比賽表現相關性分析。果嶺技能計有1.每洞推桿能力, 2.每回合推桿能力3.沙坑救起能力4.果嶺外回救能力等四項技術表現。選手全年度比賽表現,如1.低標準桿機率, 2.博蒂能力, 3.四桿洞成績, 4.四桿洞博蒂機率, 5.五桿洞成績, 6.五桿洞博蒂機率, 7.三桿洞成績, 8.老鷹能力, 9.每18 洞博蒂次數。以線性多元迴歸進行選手果嶺擊球技能與比賽成績表現相關性分析。結果顯示,1.每洞推桿能力分別與低標準桿機率及三桿洞成績呈現正相關。但與博蒂能力呈負相關。2.每回合推桿能力分別與低標準桿機率、四桿洞成績呈正相關,但與博蒂能力出現負相關。3.沙坑救起能力與博蒂能力呈正相關,卻與三桿洞成績呈負相關。4.果嶺外回救能力分別與四桿洞成績、四桿洞博蒂機率、及五桿洞成績呈負相關。綜合上述所得結果,1.選手在關鍵推桿出現時,需立即把握,如能推進擊出博蒂,將有助於降低選手的推桿數,提升成績排名。2.排名較好之PGA 選手,擁有較佳的沙坑救起與果嶺外回救能力。建議加強關鍵推桿練習,同時增加專注力、心理素質、抗壓性等心理課程教導,應能有效提高擊出博蒂機會,降低桿數。 This study was designed to determine the relationship between golf green skills and 2010 PGA Tour performance. Green skills were assessed putting performance: Putting Average (PA), Putts per Round (PPR), Sand Save, and Scrambling. The Tour performance were recorded such as 1) Par Breakers, 2) Par 4 Performance, 3) Par 4 Birdie %, 4) Par 5 Performance, 5) Par 3 Performance, 6) Eagles, 7) Birdie Average, 8) Par 5 Birdie Percentage (P5BP). 9) Birdie per Round. The SPSS Regression was used to determine the correlation between the dependant and independent variables. Results: 1) The Regression indicated that Putting Average revealed a significant positive linear relationship with Par Breakers, and Par 3 Performance. Additionally, Putting Average showed a significant negative linear relationship with and Birdie Average. 2) Putts per Round indicated a significant positive linear correlation with Par Breakers, and Par 4 Performance. Putts per Round also indicated a negative linear connection with Birdie Average. 3) Sand Save demonstrated significant positive correlation with Birdie Average, and it also indicated a negative relationship with Par 3 Performance. 4) The Regression showed that a significant negative linear relationship exists between Scrambling and Par 4 Performance, Par 4 Birdie %, Par 5 Performance. These results indicate that good putting and short game improves Birdie Average. Results suggest that training putting skills can improve golf performance especially increasing Birdie and Eagle number. Sand save and Scrambling skills can reduce increasing stroke, and elite PGA players have good save skills. |