本研究於實驗室進行黑頭慌蟻取食偏好及取食量的試驗。黑頭慌蟻對20%蔗糖及楓糖溶液的取食偏好明顯高於果糖及蜂蜜溶液,對20~50%蔗糖溶液取食量則不具顯著差異。利用三仙膠調製不同黏稠度的20%蔗糖溶液,結果發現添加三仙膠後,會顯著降低黑頭慌蟻的取食偏好及取食量,與20%蔗糖溶液的結果比較均具顯著差異。黑頭慌蟻對5%雞肉蛋白腖溶液及20%蔗糖溶液的取食偏好明顯大於牛肉蛋白腖及兩種酵母抽出物的水解蛋白溶液。再針對雞肉蛋白腖的試驗結果證實,黑頭慌蟻對5%與10%雞肉蛋白腖溶液的取食偏好及取食量不具顯著差異,但是較20%蔗糖溶液有較明顯的取食偏好及較高的取食量。本實驗證實混合20%蔗糖溶液與5%雞肉蛋白腖溶液的偏好明顯大於其他測試溶液。螞蟻族群中,工蟻仰賴碳水化合物為能量的來源,而幼體則對蛋白質食物需求殷切,針對黑頭慌蟻餌劑的設計,利用蔗糖為基質再添加水解蛋白的液體餌劑是可行的方案。本研究結果可提供未來研發更具誘引力及更有效率之液體餌劑的參考。 The food preference and food intake of the ghost ants (Tapinoma melanocephalum Fabricius) were investigated in the laboratory. Several different carbohydrates and proteins were tested in liquid formulations. Multiple choice assays were performed on T. melanocephalum to evaluate specific food preferences. The results indicated a significant preference for sucrose and maple syrup solution at a concentration of 20% compared with fructose and honey, and a non-significant preference for sucrose solution at a concentration between 20-50%. Three series of xanthan gum solution concentrations were prepared using a 20% sucrose solution to make varied viscosity. The viscosity seemed to dramatically affect the food preferences and solution intake of the ants. In addition, a strong feeding response was observed for chicken peptone at 5% and 10% concentration, and the food preference and food intake were all greater than that of the 20% sucrose solution alone. The results indicated that the addition of chicken peptone to sucrose solution can generate an even greater feeding response in ghost ants. Although more tests need to be conducted to better define specific food preferences of T. melanocephalum, it is clear that this ant species is primarily attracted to "sweet" liquid foods containing sucrose and chicken peptone. This information should prove useful in the future to develop more attractive and effective control programs.