全民健保實施後,民眾擁有自由就醫的權利,加上就醫的經濟障礙大幅降低,更導致民眾習慣往大醫院並且崇尚名醫就醫的現象。為了落實轉診與分級醫療制度的理念,並減少不必要的醫療資源浪費,中央健保局於92年開始推行「家庭醫師整合性照護制度」試辦計畫,其主要的功能為提供民眾周全性、協調性與持續性的初級醫療與預防保健服務,並以民眾健康為導向,建立以病人為中心的醫療觀念,提升醫療服務品質。不過,由於此計畫目前採用醫療提供者與民眾均屬自願參加的模式,再加上民眾長久養成的就醫習慣以及對基層診所看病的疑慮與不信任等,使得家庭醫師制度的參與一直到現在都還不普及。本研究擬以找出影響民眾參與家庭醫師整合照護制度之可能因素,並比較參與家庭醫師制度與未參與家庭醫師制度民眾之差異性,從中發展出民眾參與家庭醫師制度的預測模式。 The establishment of the National Health Insurance provides a convenience medical care environment for patients and largely reduces the economical barrier; this also causes patients to see the famous doctor in the medical center. In order to reduce wastes of medical resource, an integrated delivery and referral system for setting up different level of medical treatment must be carrying out. In 2003, National Health Insurance boosts a family physician program. The purpose of this project is to build up the faithful relationship between patients and physicians, to improve the quality of primary care systems, to combine public health and related medical resources as well as to offer a complete and continuous medical care for patients. However, patients and physicians are voluntary participation in this project, the participation of people are not popular now. Purposes of this study are to investigate people’s cognition, attitudes toward the family physician program and their willingness to participate in this program, and build a behavior intention model to analyze related factors.