摘要: | 中藥方劑桂枝湯始出自於漢朝張仲景的《傷寒論》,由桂枝、芍藥、甘草、生薑及大棗等五種藥材組成。桂枝湯主要用於外感風寒表虛證。具有解肌發表,調和營衛等功效。現代之藥理學研究也證實桂枝湯具有抗病毒、抗發炎、解熱、鎮靜、鎮痛、抗過敏、鎮咳、祛痰、平喘及促進巨噬細胞吞噬活性等作用。
本研究使用全民健康保險學術研究料庫調查分析中醫院所中醫師使用桂枝湯治療疾病之情況,對桂枝湯與桂枝湯加味方中之桂枝茯苓丸及桂枝加龍骨牡蠣湯劑於其他疾病治療之應用及效果調查。本研究之資料分析以SPSS /12.0統計軟體進行分析,研究變項進行描述性統計及推論性統計分析。
將資料庫先進行轉檔後分析,統計結果使用單方桂枝湯病患共有1131人。再經描述性分析結果顯示中醫師應用桂枝湯於,年齡以46~60歲及60歲以上佔最多,有52.3%;以4~27日給藥為主要療程。推論性統計結果顯示桂枝湯用於呼吸道疾病之治療最多,佔29.21%。顯示中醫師應用桂枝湯仍遵循傷寒論內記載之適應症使用。而對於桂枝湯加味方中使用桂枝茯苓丸共計350筆,台灣中醫院醫師在骨骼肌肉系統及結締組織之疾病方面,使用的最多佔第一位,使用桂枝加龍骨牡蠣湯共計297筆,使用桂枝加龍骨牡蠣湯治療疾病,台灣中醫院醫師在徵候症狀及診斷欠明各種病態之疾病方面,使用的最多佔第一位,未來將繼續針對桂枝湯與桂枝湯加味方於其他疾病治療之應用及效果進行調查分析。 Gui Zhi Tang first was recorded in Shang Han Lun (傷寒論) written by Zhongjing Zhang (張仲景) in Han dynasty. It was made from five traditional Chinese medicines, including Cassia twig, Peony root, Glycyrrhiza, fresh Ginger and Jujube. The major function of Gui Zhi Tang is treatment in weak skin symptom with wind cold. It can release the muscle layer, expel wind cold pathogens and regulate the nutritive and protective Qi. The modern pharmacological studies demonstrated that Gui Zhi Tang had antivirial, anti-inflammatory, antifebrile, sedative, analgesia, antiallergic, expectorant,
antiasthma and enhancing phagocytosis effects.
In this study, we used National Health Insurance Research Database to investigate Gui Zhi Tang’s clinical therapies applications from Chinese medicine hospitals in Taiwan. The applications and effects of Gui Zhi Tang, Gui Zhi Fu Ling Won (桂枝伏苓丸) and Gui Zhi Jia Long Bone Oyster Soup (桂枝加龍骨牡蠣湯) in other diseases were investigated in this study. SPSS/12.0 statistical software was applied to analyze descriptive and inference statistics.
After transition the database and then analyzed, the results of statistics showed that the total patients of using Gui Zhi Tang were 1131. The descriptive statistics results showed that doctor of traditional Chinese medicine (DTCM) prescribed Gui Zhi Tang the most to patients at age 46~60 and over 60 years , at 52.3%.The major course of treatment was 4-27 days. Inference statistic showed that Gui Zhi Tang was applied the most in respiratory disease, at 29.21%. The above results exhibited that DTCM using Gui Zhi Tang still follow adaptation syndromes of Gui Zhi Tang in Shang Han Lun. The recorded of Gui Zhi Fu Ling Won was 350. The most of these applications prescribed by DTCM were in treatment for musculoskeletal and connective tissue related diseases. The recorded of Gui Zhi Jia Long Bone Oyster Soup was 297. The applications of Gui Zhi Jia Long Bone Oyster Soup prescribed by DTCM were mostly in treatment for patients without obvious symptom or uncertain diagnosis. In the future, the potency and applications of Gui Zhi Tang and Gui Shi Tang with other supplements in other diseases will be investigated and analyzed. |