科技進步與轉變,將藥品視為預防、保健、治療等用途比比皆是,但用藥認知裹足不前卻成為由老至小在服藥上嚴重盲點。因此,藉由「向下 扎根」及早建立學童正確用藥觀念,擴大推動是有其迫切性。校園中,學 生們將用藥安全教育宣導常識延伸融入家庭生活中,漸進導正家庭中各年 齡層面的用藥觀念,達到教育“向下紮根,往上結果”之根本目的,同時藉著與國小教師之互動及學生家長的問卷調查,以達到三代‘藥物濫用防 制’知識基礎的建立。本研究旨在瞭解國小高年級學童用藥認知程度上的 現況,以及探討正確用藥介入宣導後對國小高年級學童的影響因素,包括 學童個人背景,家庭因素與國小教職員等影響因素。本研究以問卷為調查工具,南部地區11 所國小高年級學童,共1,498 位學童(124 位學生因清 潔工作未進教室);教職員共223 位;學生家長共1,622 位為研究樣本。經 統計分析,宣導前後平均分數由53.65 分提升至79.70 分,「飯前吃藥」、「胃 藥使用」、「打針與否」、「二手菸」、「禁菸」、「處方箋」、「藥師」、「不聽信 別人推薦的藥」、「不信神奇療效的藥」、「不推薦藥品給他人」、「不買地攤、夜市、遊覽車所販賣的藥」、「不私藏過期的藥」、「不吃別人贈送的藥」、「避 III 免被人下毒」t 值為-9.832(雙尾0.000)、-7.934(雙尾0.000)、-15.306(雙尾0.000)、-8.065(雙尾0.000)、1.943(雙尾0.052)、-35.225(雙尾0.000)、 -8.137(雙尾0.000)、10.410(雙尾0.142)、-20.772(雙尾0.000)、-15.358 (雙尾0.000)、-11.518(雙尾0.000)、-20.421(雙尾0.000)、-13.238(雙尾0.000)、-9.728(雙尾0.000),唯「禁菸」與「不聽信別人推薦的藥」未達顯著意義。城鄉差距,造成知識傳遞斷層與資源分配不均;不同「區域性」受訪者在「飯前吃藥」、「胃藥使用」、「打針與否」、「二手菸」以及「禁菸」五題是非題F 值為6.456(P 值=0.002)、139.378(P 值=0.000)、39.265(P 值=0.000)、226.620(P 值=0.000)、8.717(P 值=0.000)達顯著水準;選擇題「正確用藥」、「反毒宣導」、「用藥五不」 F 值為6.439(P 值=0.002)、0.044(P 值=0.957)、2.485(P 值=0.084),唯「正確用藥」達顯著,其他則未達顯著水準。表示「正確用藥」的看法與認知,會因為「區域性」的差異而導致看法與認知上的不同。隨年齡層遞增,六年級認知理解佔優勢;不同「年級」的受訪者「飯前吃藥認知」、「胃藥的使用」、「打針與否」、「二手菸」以及「禁菸」五題是非題F 值分別為3.432(P 值=0.016)、30.576(P值=0.000)、9.158(P 值=0.000)、41.024(P 值=0.000)、5.418(P 值=0.001),IV皆達統計上的顯著水準。「正確用藥」、「反毒宣導」、「用藥五不」的F 值分別為2.352(P 值=0.071)、15.922 (P 值=0.000)、1.132(P 值=0.335),「反毒宣導」達統計上的顯著水準。滿意度評估:用藥認知對於教學後滿意程度顯著負相關,其中以「打針與否」、「二手菸」的相關係數分別為-0.053(P值=0.041)和-0.054(P 值=0.035);就「正確用藥」與教學評估的相關係數為-0.0162。「反毒宣導」與教學評估的相關係數為0.037。「用藥五不」與教學評估的相關係數為0.024。教師與家長影響力是不容小覷。預防勝於治療,落實用藥安全教育應用各區域;督促宣導教案正確性,對藥師的信任感;加強教師與家長於職場上持續用藥安全教育,以建立完整用藥常識觀念與習慣,影響親友。 Owing to in prevention,care and treatment development and improvement of modern technology, medicine is widely used and soon. However, the common sense about medicine has not changed. Therefore, it is urgent to educate people how to use medicine correctly since their childhood. In school, students learn correct medicine and bring it home then infiuence the members in their families. That’s the main purpose of education. Meanwhile, the interactions with teachers in elementary schools and questionnaire to students’ parents help the family members to build the basic concept to prevent abuse of medicine. In this research, we try to find out how well the Senior Graders’ Students in elementary school nowadays know medicine, and discuss the factors which affect the performance of medicine education including the background teachers and family of a student. We design and provide different questionaire to 1,498 students, 223 teachers and 1,622 parents in 11 elementary school of South Taiwan. We find that the average score improve from 53.65 to 75.30, and it is satisfactory. We also have the following comments: The resource is not equally VI distributed in cities and countryside, and the knowledge is hart to spread out in the countryside; the sixth grade students indeed understand more than the fifth grade students; The influence from teachers and parents should not be neglected; Precaution is better the prevention; care; treatment; trust to the pharmacist; Continue the correct medicine safety education to the teachers and parents to build the correct concept and become their habits, further more, to influence pther people.