方法:利用國家衛生研究院發行之健保資料庫(1999至2009,共計11年)住院及門診費用總表,以費用資料完整的421家醫院當作樣本,132(=12月 × 11年)個月當作時間序列的觀察資料,以管制圖評定出各醫院10年120個月的偏離標準差(界於-4至+4),再計算出各年的組內相關係數(ICC),以探討層級醫院間預算控制的成果是否相同。另示範利用泡泡圖,呈現某月非預期超出管制的個別醫院之篩選作業。
結論:組內相關係數可以成為每年比較與評估健保醫院總額實施之成效指標。建議每季召開醫院總額預算支付執行委員會的會議,能夠揭露其每年總額預算之組內相關係數,以報導此一每家醫院申報費用是否控制在一定預算範圍內的績效指標。 Objectives: Using a common indicator to assess effects on hospital global budget payment system implemented in 2002 in Taiwan is urgently required. We present the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) to assess how well Taiwan constrained hospital-provided medical services in such a system, and compare what difference existed in the two sections of inpatient and outpatient in Taiwan’s hospitals
Methods: Data from 1999 to 2009 regarding 421 hospital inpatient and outpatient medical reimbursements to Taiwan’s Bureau of National Health Insurance (BNHI) were used to examine the extent of monthly unexpected values in a range from -4 to 4 standard deviations applying the statistical process control chart to the nation-based 120 months’ reimbursement datasets in the past 10 years. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) were hence annually obtained to inspect whether global budgets were well controlled among hospitals in different sections. A bubble chart of SDs for a specific month was generated to present the effects of using control charts in a national healthcare system.
Results: ICCs were generated for Taiwan's year-based convergent power to constrain its medical services from 2000 to 2009. All hospital groups showed a gradually well-controlled supply of services that decreased from 0.77 to 0.42 and from 0.88 to 0.61 in inpatient and outpatient sections, respectively. We found that 1) the effect on hospital global budget payment system was gradually improved in past 10 years; 2) inpatient sector showed significantly more well-controlled than its outpatient counterpart. The bubble chart identified outlier hospitals that required investigation of possible excessive reimbursements in a specific time period.
Conclusions: ICC could be the indicator used for annually assessing effects on hospital global budgeting. We suggest the committee in charge of monitoring hospital global budgeting reveal the ICC to report annual effects on carrying out the hospital global budgeting in a specific controlled limit range