摘要: | 台灣高科技產業蓬勃發展,另有農業和畜牧業廢水的排放,導致廢污水廠進流水常含有大量的氨氮廢水,未經處理的氨氮廢水排放至自然水體中,將會造成藻類大量繁殖形成水體優養化問題。本研究利用掃流式和沉浸式薄膜接觸系統,以離子交換之方式處理高濃度氨氮廢水去除水溶液中NH4+,進料端以氯化銨水溶液為模擬實廠廢水,萃取液為磷酸及硫酸溶液,操作變因為聚二氟乙烯(PVDF)及聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)膜、進料端pH值、進料端濃度、進料端流速變化、滲透端萃取液濃度、滲透端流速變化等之影響,評估去除NH4+之最佳操作條件。
發現薄膜接觸系統於掃流式模組使用PTFE膜,在氯化銨水溶液pH值為11時,萃取液磷酸溶液時,去除率有88.16 %;萃取液硫酸溶液時,2 hr去除率可達100 %,硫酸溶液去除效果比磷酸佳。薄膜接觸系統於沉浸式模組使用PVDF膜去除率隨高分子濃度減少而升高,以硫酸溶液去除效果也比磷酸佳,於連續操作實驗之下,自行製備之PVDF薄膜在操作10次共135 hr之試驗,每公升之硫酸萃取液可萃取22.5g之NH4+,NH4+之去除率依然可達99.24 %,由此可知薄膜之耐久度良好,所以自行製備PVDF膜適合連續操作。 The High-Tech Industries have been rapidly developing for the last two decades in Taiwan, which also result in high concentrations of various nitrogenous compounds in the wastewater. Although biological nitrification–denitrification methods have been used in reducing ammonia–nitrogen content in sewage effluent to an acceptable level, the effectiveness of this process is restricted by slow bioconversion and unfavorable environmental factors. It is necessarily to find an efficiency process of promoting the removal of ammonia from wastewater.
Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membranes with asymmetric structures and good hydrophobicity will prepare by a phase-inversion method and have been applied to removal of ammonia from water by membrane contactor. Aqueous solution containing sulfuric acid was used as stripping solution to
accelerate the removal of ammonia.
Membrane contact system using PTFE membrane to sweep the clossflow module. The ammonium chloride aqueous solution pH value at 11 extract by phosphoric acid solution, NH4+ removal was 88.16%. NH4+ removal up to 100% after extract by sulfuric acid for 2 hr. Membrane contact system with immersion module using PVDF membrane was studied. NH4+ removal increase with polymer concentration reduced. After continuous 10 times operation with PVDF membrane witch take 135 hr, NH4+ removal still reach 99.24%. Every liter of sulfuric acid can extraction 22.5 g of NH4+. PVDF membrane’s durable performance was suitable for long turn operation. |