從數據顯示,監測井JS003-1、JS015、R002、R003、R004在2010年6-9月大廈住宅型施工期間水位急速下降了2-4 m,水溫也明顯上升2-5℃;而10月中因颱風帶來的大量降雨量補注,使水位立即回升了2-8 m,水溫也下降了1-3℃。由本研究監測數據分析可得知,影響礁溪水溫及水位變化最明顯的為「降雨量」與「人為施工」。未來仍需持續監測礁溪溫泉,統整起一長期監測資料庫以供參考 This research is focus to analyze and integrate the monitored data in Jiaosi Hot Spring from 2009 to 2012 (January.-March). According to the current study and monitored data, we still cannot estimate and conclude if Jiaosi Hot Spring had exceeded its security utilization limitation. We need to keep on monitoring to understand the resource variation of Jiaosi Hot Spring in the long term and find the appropriate solutions. Otherwise, sooner or later we will be facing the day that Jiaosi Hot Springs resources run dry.
In this study, we placed instruments in 13 monitoring wells in Jiaosi to observe the water temperature gradient and water level variation. After that, we organize the monitored data and the run chart from 2009 to 2012. Finally, that above data was not only compared with the rainfall in Ilan, but also discussed the relationship between rainfall among, water temperature and water level.
The data shows that the water level of those monitoring wells JS003-1, JS015, R002, R003, and R004 had rapidly declined 2-4 m and the temperature of water had significantly increased by 2-5℃ during the period of the residential building construction in June-September, 2010; the water level increased by 2-8m and the water temperature declined 1-3℃ due to the rainfall of typhoon in September. What we can learn from the analysis of monitored data is that the most obvious effects upon the water temperature and water level in Jiaosi are rainfall and construction. In order to build up a database for long-term reference, it''s necessary to constantly monitor the Jiaosi Hot Spring in the future.