本研究採用硫化氫檢測儀器與二氧化碳偵測儀器來進行檢測台灣10 處溫泉地區危害氣體之濃度分佈狀況,現場檢測結果發現四重溪A2溫泉飯店與泰安地區C3溫泉飯店的溫泉儲槽內,甲烷氣體濃度皆達爆炸下限(100% LEL),有燃燒爆炸之危險;硫化氫以東部安通溫泉區A1溫泉飯店湯屋內所量測之濃度最高;二氧化碳以東部知本溫泉區B3溫泉飯店湯屋內量測之濃度最高。經研究得知危害氣體造成人體健康之影響,並提出建議與改善方式給予遊客從事溫泉休憩活動時之安全、健康及保障。 Hot spring, which can get muscles relaxed and circulation improved, has become the most popular leisure activities among Taiwanese people in recent years.
When bathing in the hot spring, people will not only soak the hot spring water but inhale several kinds of gas, including hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide and methane, which are emitted by hot spring. If the emission of the gas in hot spring is above the average, especially for hydrogen sulphide, it will do harm to people. However, the insufficient knowledge about the dangerous gas and the shortage of safety facilities increase the danger of being poisoned when bathing the hot spring.
The research examines the concentration of hydrogen sulphide and carbon dioxide in Taiwan’s hot spring. The research finds out that the concentration of methane in Hotel A2 and Hotel C3 is on the verge of explosion(100% LEL). Besides, the concentration of hydrogen sulphide in Hotel A1 is the highest; carbon dioxide, however, is highest in Hotel B3. The research indicates that the dangerous gas may harm people and also provides tips to those who go to the hot spring to ensure their safety.