在節能減碳設施方面,兩社區最認同、最優先考慮購買與家戶目前使用的節能減碳設備之前三高比例間存在相當的差異性,以太陽能設備最為顯著。兩社區民眾購買節能減碳設備主要原因皆以環保意識為最高,而「隨手關燈及拔插頭」為兩社區最認同的節能減碳的行為。而重興社區因其低碳發展條件較佳,所以在節能減碳知識填答正確率高於文南社區;而與購買節能減碳設備與經濟因素無關的題型,兩社區居民之職業與薪資對於節能減碳認知與態度則呈現顯著差異性。 In order to reduce the effects of globe warming, the government of Taiwan has focused all attentions on promoting the policies and subsidies in terms of energy saving and carbon reduction (ESCR). The purpose of this study was to investigate the different aspects concerning with energy conservation and carbon reduction between Chong-Xing community of North Dist. and Wen-Nan community of South Dist. in Tainan.
In terms of the conception of low carbon city, low carbon community, environmental satisfaction, and the recognition of low carbon community implementation, the Wen-Nan community got better positive sense and higher mean value of Likert scale than Chong-Xing community. Nevertheless, with higher potential to develop the low carbon community, Chong-Xing community reached better recognition related to a positive relationship between ESCR and environmental quality than Wen-Nan community.
In terms of ESCR facilities, both communities showed relatively differences in the recognition, preferential purchase and actual possession. Particularly, highest recognition and lowest possession characteristics were observed in solar devices. For both communities, the main reason for purchasing ESCR devices is for environmental awareness. The most favorable action of ESCR for both communities is to turn off the light and pull the plug after you left. ESCR facility questions irrelevant to economic factors, differences of ESCR cognition affected by the occupations and salaries were also found.