此外,本研究採用SPSS 18.0版統計分析軟體進行統計分析,涵蓋了描述性統計、信度分析、效度分析、獨立樣本t檢定以及單因子變異數分析。統計分析結果顯示有部份住宿遊客的社經背景對溫泉飯店意象有顯著不同的認知程度,此外,亦有部份住宿遊客的社經背景對知覺價值與消費者重遊意願有顯著不同的認知程度 The aim of this paper was to construct a customer’s revisit intention model, and to impact relationship among hot spring hotel image, perceived value and revisit intention. Meanwhile, in order to achieve research objectives, research subjects were the 300 house visitors of hot spring hotels in Sz-Chung-Shi by convenience sampling. All the 300 copies of questionnaire were returned, but 15 that were incomplete, the effective return rate was 95.00%.
Furthermore, this paper used SPSS 18.0 statistical analysis software to analyze empirical data. Descriptive statistics along, reliability analysis, validity analysis, random sample t test, and One -Way ANOVA was conducted for data analysis. The results of this study found that a part of house visitors’ had significant different cognition in hot spring hotel image. Meanwhile, this study also found that a part of house visitors’ had significant different cognition in perceived value and revisit intention.