摘要: | 本研究探討臺南市國小教師溫泉休閒保健與工作壓力現況及相關性,並比較在不同背景變項下之差異性。對臺南市100學年度編制內國小教師,發出600份問卷,回收有效問卷為579份,資料以SPSS統計軟體,進行次數分配表、百分比、平均數、標準差、獨立樣本t 檢定、單因子變異數分析與皮爾森積差相關分析等方法進行研究,依據統計結果加以分析討論並提出適當建議。本研究統計後分析成果顯示:一、在溫泉休閒行為的參與屬中等偏高,以放鬆愉悅的感受最強,在工作壓力的感受屬中等偏低,以行政支持感受到的壓力最強。二、因不同性別、教育程度、擔任職務、月收入,顯著影響休閒行為參與,因不同年齡、婚姻狀況、擔任職務、服務年資、學校規模、學校地區及月收入,顯著影響工作壓力。三、溫泉休閒保健與工作壓力各向度及整體間之情形(一)放鬆愉悅與行政支持,有顯著相關。(二)知覺保健與專業成長、工作負擔、人際關係、及整體工作壓力有顯著負相關。(三)交流互動與專業成長、工作負擔有顯著負相關。(四)思考沈澱與專業成長、工作負擔有顯著負相關。(五)整體溫泉保健與專業成長、工作負擔有顯著負相關。 The purpose of this study is to investigate the status and relevancy between hot spring leisure health and work pressure of elementary school teachers in Tainan City, and it should compare the difference under diverse background variables.
In this study used a questionnaire. The subjects were full-time primary school teachers in Tainan City in 2012. Total number of effective questionnaires was 579. The data would be analyzed by using statistics software-SPSS, to conduct frequency distribution, percentage, average, standard deviation, independent T-test, single-factor analysis of variance, Pearson product-moment for study.
The results of this study are shows that 1. The participation of Hot spring leisure health is considered to be of medium high; it’s found that the participation of relaxation pleasure is reckoned the most, while the work pressure as sensed is considered to be of medium low. As for the work pressure of administrative support is the highest. 2. As of gender, educational level, teaching area, monthly income, they will largely affect the hot spring leisure. The work pressure would, according to their age, marital status, position taken, seniority of service, school scale, area of the school, and monthly income release diverse work pressure on the elementary school teachers as sensed. 3. The entire situation of each item between hot spring leisure health and the work pressure as below, (1) Relaxation pleasure and administrative support are obviously relevance. (2) Perceived health, professional development, working load, personal relationship and entire work pressure are obviously negative relevance. (3) Social interaction, profession development, and working load are obviously negative relevance. (4) Settlement of thoughts, profession development, and working load are obviously negative relevance. (5) Entire hot spring leisure health, profession development, and working load are obviously negative relevance. |