本研究作為決策推薦系統的先期研究,成功地根據遊客的人口統計特性區隔台南市溫泉旅遊市場,一旦遊客和遊程之間的關係清楚地確定,未來可有效地應用於台南市溫泉旅發展的推廣。 This study adapted the hierarchical Bayesian estimation to solve the dilemma commonly induced in the conjoint analysis. The conjoint analysis can easily determine the itinerary preference according to the subjects’ demographic attributes. The subjects always face the trade-off problem in sorting overburden itinerary products composed of various features, because the combination of various features can generate overburden itinerary products for sorting. The object of this study is to reduce the candidate itineraries by using all possible features once in composing all itinerary products for sorting, and to adopt the hierarchical Bayesian estimation to randomly construct the relationship domain to interpret the itinerary preference according to the subjects’ demographic attributes without losing as much estimation accuracy as in the traditional
conjoint analysis.
The survey implemented 55 questionnaires for the initial test, and the final survey has carried out total 459 effective questionnaires with 369 natives and 90 foreigners in three major cities, including Taipei, Taichung, and Kaohsiung, in Taiwan. The features composing the candidate itineraries include travelers’ motive, travel style, travel fee, and travel companion.
As the preliminary study of the decision-support system, this study successfully delineated the market segmentation for hot spring tourism in Tainan City according to travelers’ demographic attributes. Once the relationship between the travelers and the itineraries can be clearly identified, the further promotion for hot spring tourism in Tainan City can effectively carried out.