近年來由於社會型態轉變,教育政策歷經重大變革,教師在生理與心理層面上皆承受了重大的挑戰,相對的身心健康亦深受影響。 本研究目的在了解教師對溫泉知識、健康促進生活型態與城鄉關係之差異。以問卷為研究工具,研究對象為臺南市現職國小教師,採用立意抽樣法,總計回收有效問卷為421份,有效回收率93.6%。
本研究結論為溫泉知識與健康促進行為間沒有顯著關係存在。將來進行測量溫泉效果與身心健康的相關研究,應考慮針對實際溫泉的使用頻率與浸泡泉質對於健康促進行為做討論。 Due to changes of education policy in Taiwan, teachers face huge challenges both physically and mentally. Hot springs may have benefitinal effects on individual health. The purpose of this study is to examine relationships between hot spring knowledge, health promoting behaviors among elementary school teachers in rural and urban areas. A total of 421 teachers were included in this study.Hot spring knowledge and health promoting behaviors were assessed by sekf-reported questionnaires. The main findings of this study are:
(1)Hot spring knowledge was significantly negatively correlated with health responsibility and exercise behaviors;
(2)Health promoting behaviors significantly differe by gender, age, maritial status, number of children, and hoursehold income;
(3)There are no significant differences in hot spring knowledge between teachers living in rural and urban areas, but those living in urban areas have greater levels of health promoting behaviors than those living in rural areas.
In conclusion, no associations between hot spring knowledge and health promoting behaviors were found. Future studies may consider assess the frequency of hot spring usage and investigate its influences on health behaviors.