依據研究結果提出建議,作為相關單位制定旅遊政策之依據,並提供業者規劃行銷策略時參考。 Hot Spring Festival of Guanziling starts with the hiking activities. Taiwan is a place with Hot Springs everywhere and everyone loves to take Hot Spring;therefore, taking Hot Spring to preserve health has become a popular leisure activity.
In this study, Theory of Planed Behavior is used to explore the intention of the tourists in Guanziling Hot Spring Area on their Ecotourism Behavior and to construct their behavior patterns in order to confirm the impact of various dimensions of Ecotourism and the influencing degree of Behavioral Intention.
The object of study is the largest Guanziling Hot Spring in the south of Taiwan. The data was collected through a questionnaire survey. There are 430 questionnaires distributed and 405 are valid samples.
The recovered data is analyzed by SPSS18.0 software package.The results are as follows:Tourists chose to drive their own cars to stay two days one night and they spent mostly $1,001 ~ 3,000.The purpose of their trip is mainly for tourism. Behavioral Attitude, Behavioral Norms and Perceived Behavioral Control are factors directly infiuencing Behavioral Intentions and Perceived Behavioral Control beliefs have a great impact on Behavioral Intention.
The results also show that loving natural is the main factor on Behavioral Attitude; Secondary Groups have the greatest influence on Behavioral Norms;Self-ability factors have the greatest influence on PBC.Difference analysis of external variables such as age, educational level,occupation,income,expenses,travel purpose, having joined environmental groups and tourism satisfaction on the Behavioral Intention of the acts of Ecotourism all achieve the level of significance.
The recommendations based on the results are made as basis for the government concerned to form tourism policy and for the industry to plan Marketing Strategies.