摘要: | 移動式起重機在國內工業界仍然屬於常見的起重升降機具,廣泛地應用於工廠以外的道路地區,而目前國內架空高壓輸配電仍普遍使用無被覆之裸線,故瞭解移動式起重機碰觸高壓裸電線造成之感電事故有其必要性,許多傷害事件的發生主要在於環境因素、操作者個人因素及操控人機介面所導致,本研究採用問卷調查統計分析之研究方法。樣本發放與回收期間為 101年 2 月至 3 月。本研究共計發放 350 份問卷,其中 16 份為無效問卷,即有效問卷為 334 份。本研究之研究成果為操作人員對移動式起重機感電災害及應變方式的認知,平均分數最高者為安衛管理應變因素之員工構面,其次為安衛管理應變因素之雇主管理,平均分數最低者為感電事故因應、感電事故認知、電氣安全認知、安衛管理應變因素會因學歷不同而有所差異;感電事故因應會因工作年資不同而有所差異;安衛管理應變因素之員工構面、安衛管理應變因素之機器設備、安衛管理應變因素之作業環境、安衛管理應變因素之雇主管理等構面會因公司規模不同而有所差異。操作人員對移動式起重機感電災害及應變方式的相關情形均達顯著水準,且均為正相關。其中以安衛管理應變因素之作業環境與安衛管理應變因素之雇主管理的相關係數最高,其次為安衛管理應變因素之雇主管理與安衛管理應變因素之機器設備相關係數。 Mobile crane in the domestic industry is still a preavailing crane lifts a widely used in the road outside the factory area.Tthe current high-voltage overhead transmission and distribution is still widespread use of non-coated bare wire.Due to a variety of accidents, the understanding of mobile cranes touching the high voltagebare wire and resulting in a sense of power accident is necessary and mandatory. Many injuries occur mainly due to the environmental factors caused by the operation of individual factors, along with the manipulation of human-machine interface.In this study, statistical analysis of questionnaire research methods had been established. Samples included the issuance and recovery period from February to March in 2012. In this study, a total payment of 350 questionnaires, of which 16 were invalid questionnaires, valid questionnaires weve 334. The results of this study are summarized as follows:Mobile crane operator conld keep sense of power accident and not clear, the highest average scores for health and safety management contingency factor of the staff structure surface, followed by the management of health and safety management contingency factor of the employer, average scores who lowest is a sense of power accident due should be.Sense of power accident awareness, electrical safety cognitive, health and safety management contingency factor will be the qualifications of different and some differences; sense electrical accident due to seniority with some differences; health and safety management response factors of the staff structure asoects, the health and safety management contingency factor of the machine equipment operating environment of the health and safety management contingency factor, the employers' management of health and safety management response factors of company size vary.The circumstances of the operator of the mobile crane, a sense of power disaster and contingency reached the level of significance correlation, and are positively correlated. The highest correlation coefficient of the employer's management of the operating environment of the response factors of safety and health management and health and safety management response factors, followed by the employer of the health and safety management contingency factor management and health and safety management contingency factors machine equipment. |