石化工業在整體的生產製造過程中,高溫、高壓下使用許許多多高危害性物質,因此若在生產流程中出現操縱不當或設備老舊,就容易引發極為重大的工安事故,如危險氣體外洩、火災甚至爆炸等工安意外。有鑒於近年內石化工廠所引發的火災事故往往造成許多人力、物力重大損失,故本研究認為消防安全管理之事先預防工作成為重要課題。 本研究透過文獻回顧及案例分析設計出執行消防安全管理之問卷及現況調查表,以立意抽樣方法選取大高雄地區13家石化工廠進行問卷及現況調查,據以了解石化工業區公司及員工對於公共危險物品場所安全性、消防安全設備有效性及事業單位消防安全管理的認知及設置情形。 研究發現,多數廠家皆有符合消防安全規範設計其廠區的配置及設備,並對於廠區之員工定期舉辦相關的訓練課程及擬定防災計畫,代表當災害發生時,廠區之內部能透過相關設備之設置作好初步的災害控制的動作,也能防止更為嚴重的工安意外發生的可能。 The manufacturing process of the petrochemical industry will produce many high-hazardous substances, high pressure, high temperature and other chemical substances. Therefore the factor as improper manipulation or aging facilities, is easy to cause major accident, such as hazardous gas leakage, fire or even explosion, industrial safety accidents. In recent years fire accidents occurred in the petrochemical factory often caused many casualties, financial losses. The study suggests that the advance prevention in fire safety management is important issue. In this study, literature review and case analysis were applied to design fire safety management questionnaire and field survey checklist. Through the reply of the worker of the petrochemical industry in the southern Taiwn to explore the acknowledge of fire safety managenet and validity of fire equipment. The study find the majority of the factories in line with the norms of fire safety design both the plant's configuration and equipment, offer employees regularly training courses and develope disaster prevention plans. When disaster occurs, the workers of factory can use device to control preliminary disaster also prevent the possibility of more serious public security accident..