摘要: | 工作姿勢不良而造成勞工肌肉與骨骼傷害的案例最多,上肢因工作而罹患肌肉骨骼傷害的情形,普遍地存在於各行各業中,其中肌肉骨骼傷害的原因是多重的,舉凡振動、低溫、不當的姿勢、過度的施力、與高重複性的動作等因素,以及長時間暴露於上述人因工程危害中是造成工作上累積性傷害的主要原因。因此因工作引起的肌肉與骨骼傷害風險明顯高於其他製造業。姿勢分析工具可用於評估肢體動作可能帶來的傷害,本研究將使用二種姿勢分析工具觀察,這二種分析工具分別為挪威肌肉骨骼傷害問卷調查表(Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire; NMQ)、REBA(Repaid Entire Body Assessment, 快速全身評估法)。REBA 為快速全身評估法,適用於勞工上肢與下肢工作頻繁時或不能預期的工作姿勢。本研究針對電信從業人員進行肌肉骨骼傷害調查,106位受訪者中有106位受訪者回答有肌肉骨骼不適的情況,佔了100%。不適部位盛行率以肩膀46人(43.4%)為最高,其次是脖子41人(38.7%) 。身體各部位不適症狀以「痠痛」比例為最高。受訪者自覺身體各部位不適症狀與工作有關之原因以「工作姿勢」比例為最高。本研究另以REBA分析工作姿勢,其作業姿勢並沒有太大的風險,但是都還有可以改善的空間,工作姿勢的行動水準多數集中在第2級風險水準。而問卷結果顯示,多數員工認為造成肩膀不適症狀「全因工作造成的」,原因為「工作姿勢」與觀察結果互相吻合。經問卷統計分析,不適部位之盛行率較高的部位是肩膀其次是脖子,檢定結果顯示,肩膀部位與運動習慣及年資有顯著關係;脖子部位與工作負荷及過勞量表有顯著關係。 Inappropriate posture in working results in most cases of damage to the muscle and skeleton of the labors. The condition of the damage to the upper limb of muscle and skeleton caused by working is prevalently existent in every work of life. What’s more, the factors to cause the detriment to the muscle and bone are multiphasic, such as vibration, low temperatures, inappropriate posture, over force, and hyper-repetitive actions, all of which are the main causes to contribute to the accumulative detriment in working if the laborers are long exposed to the conditions mentioned above. Hence, the risk of the damage to the muscle and bone is much higher than what has happened in other manufacturing industries. The tools of posture analyses can be used in evaluating what detriment can be caused by the limb move. The study will use two tools of posture analyses to make the observation. Two of the methods will be “Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire(NMQ) and Rapid Entire Body Assessment(REBA) respectively. REBA is a quick evaluation to access the whole body, which is suitable for those laborers when they are using their upper and lower limbs frequently or they should use the unexpected posture when working. Among the 106 interviewees, all of them reply that they all don’t feel well on their muscle and bone, which is 100 percent of the interviewees. The highest rate of them don’t feel well on their shoulders, accounting for 43.4 % or 46 of the 106 interviewees; the second highest, on their necks, accounting for 38.7% or 37 of them. The highest rate of the symptom of the malaise lies on “pain and ache.” Among the interviewees, the highest rate of them feels their working posture have something to do with their malaise. The study is completed by means of the REBA to analyze the working posture so its operational posture does not take too much risk but also has much room to be left for the improvement. The standard of action of the working posture mainly centers on Grade 2 of the risk standard. In short, the outcome of the questionnaires represents the fact that most staffs think the smoking gun of the ache shoulders is the work itself only—the working posture, which is completely correspondent with the result of the observation. In the aftermath of the analysis and statistics of the questionnaires, we come into the conclusion that the highest rate of the malaise falls on the shoulder and the second highest, on the neck. After the check and study, we find the shoulder position is apparently related to sporting habits and seniority while the neck position is clearly related to work-load and the rating scale of over-fatigue. |