本研究旨在探討鋼鐵線材業之安全文化現況,並以問卷調查方式將研究問卷發送至作業員工數在100人以上之南部鋼鐵線材廠共10家250份,總計回收問卷207份,回收率為82.8%;獲得有效問卷195份,佔發送問卷之78%。採用電腦統計分析軟體SPSS 12.0版作為資料分析之工具,探討鋼鐵線材業個人背景基本資料變項與安全文化相關變項之關係、差異分析以及安全文化各面向之間的關係,最後經由本研究探討分析之結論,提出職場潛在危害及提昇產業安全文化的具體改善對策,供鋼鐵線材業之事業單位決策參考運用。 本研究結果顯示,員工背景變項在整體安全文化的差異上,以「年齡」、「擔任職務」、「服務年資」出現顯著性,經分析發現年齡在50~60歲、擔任部門主管以上職務、服務年資11~20年之間的員工,具有較佳之安全文化水準。在相關分析部份,以「年齡」與整體安全文化呈現顯著相關。又「職場風險自評」、「工作環境安全衛生滿意度」與整體安全文化呈現顯著相關,分析後發現職場風險愈低、安全滿意度愈高者與安全文化之相關亦愈高。 The purpose of this study was to investigate the current safety culture for the steel wire industry , 250 copies of questionnaires were sent to ten Taiwan southern steel factories with above 100 employees individually. 207 copies of total questionnaires retrieved, the retrieved rate was 82.8%; 195 copies of documents are valided, its retrieved rate is 78% of the documents sent. Our study use the computer statistical analysis software SPSS 12.0 version as a tool for data analysis, and study the variables relationship between the personal background and safety culture of steel industry, differences and related variables analysis . Finally, in conclusions of the analysis, We proposed improvement solution to potential hazardous workplace for related corporate’s making-decision. The results of this study was shown that the "age", "served position", "working period" of employees background have more significant relations on the entire safety culture . The analysis was found that employees with age of the 50 to 60 years old, served as the department head or working duration from 11 to 20 years, met a high level demand of safety culture. In the correlation analysis , the "age" variables significantly related to the entire safety culture. And "workplace risk self-assessment”, “work environment safety” and “health satisfaction” are related to the entire safety culture significantly, the analysis was found that the lower the workplace risk, the higher safety satisfaction and safety culture.