摘要: | 營養不良為長期照護機構老人最常見的問題,老人營養不良會增加感染、傷口癒合緩慢及與造成失能及死亡率有關。本研究目的以營養不良的老年住民為研究對象,經多方面的營養介入,探討對其營養狀況改善的影響。研究結果顯示,多方面的營養介入後,對機構營養不良老人的身高、體重、身體質量指數、臀圍、身體質量指數分組比率及血液總膽固醇、三酸甘油脂、肌酸酐、血紅素含量、白血球無顯著改善,但顯著改善機構老人上臂圍、小腿圍、血清白蛋白含量、短式迷你營養評估量表評估值、長式迷你營養評估表評估值、迷你營養評估量表分層的體位評估值及一般評估值。此外,營養不良的住民在營養介入後,對熱量、三大營養素攝取量、維生素攝取量及礦物質攝取量顯著高於介入前。結論:營養介入能改善營養不良老人的營養狀況,對老人上臂圍、小腿圍及血清白蛋白含量有顯著增加作用。 Malnutritin is a major problem in elderly living in long-term care facility,it is associated with increased infections, poor wound healing, morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of nutritional intervention on nutritional status in elderly at risk of malnutrition. After a multifaceted nutritional intervention model, No significant differences were observed in height, weight, BMI, HC, BMI classification number, total cholesterol, triglyceride, creatinine, hemoglobin and white blood cell, but significantly increased in MAC, CC, albumin, MNA-SF score, MNA-LF score and MNA-LF group (anthropometric assessment score vs general assessment score). Furthermore, there was significantly increased in energy, macronutrients, vitamin and mineral intake in the elderly at risk of malnutrition. Conclusion: A multifaceted nutritional intervention is feasible in elderly at risk of malnutrition living in long-term care facility and result in significant improvement of nutritional status with respect to MAC, CC and Alb. |