本研究採用立意取樣方式,篩選台南市某國小三、四年級體重過重之男女學童共37名 (BMI平均值為 25.6±1.7 公斤/公尺2),由57位大學營養系學生編組,協助該校營養師進行營養教育與體能活動執行,每週三次、每次四十分鐘的營養教育或運動課程,為期四週。研究前後進行體位測量與「飲食行為問卷調查」,研究期間則進行飲食記錄指導,結果以SAS統計套裝軟體進行分析。
研究介入後學童的身高增高,而體重、腰圍、TSF、腰臀比與BMI,均顯著降低(p < 0.05);在飲食行為方面,每週吃早餐的頻率顯著增加、早餐主食類攝取份數顯著降低(p <0.05);學童生活型態方面,每週平均運動時間後測平均值比前測有顯著增加(p <0.05),而每日上網時間後測比前測顯著降低,且到達顯著差異(p <0.05),學童出席率 83.6%,學童之學習態度與參與度均較往年該校舉辦之體重控制班佳。
由上述結果得知,短期介入對學童的體位有改善現象,飲食行為與生活型態也有一些正面的變動,顯示營養教育與運動課程的介入,對兒童體位的控制有改善的效果。而團體輔助介入方式的確讓學童參與率顯著提高,建議日後可以繼續採用此方式,持續舉辦體控班活動,並且調整營養教案設計,讓學童能由活潑生動的活動中養成自我體位控制的好習慣。 The prevalence of obesity and overweight has risen greatly worldwide. Childhood obesity increases the risk of obesity in adulthood, but the effective strategies are poorly understood. Whether the nutrition intervention can significantly decrease the chances of a child's becoming an obese adult is also evaluated. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the group intervention and nutrition education on the anthropometry in elementary obese children.
This study used judgment sampling to recruit 37 overweight volunteers (BMI 25.6±1.7 kg/m2) from third and fourth grade children in an elementary school. All children were randomly divided into 8 groups to perform three times a week, each 40 minutes of nutrition education or exercise programs for four weeks. 3-4 undergraduate tutors is arranged to each group in order to increase children’s interest and confidence. Before and after the study intervention, all of the subjects had received all the anthropometry measurement and a dietary questionnaire. After the intervention, there was a increase in student's height, a significant decrease in the body weight, waist circumference, waist to hip ratio (WHR) and BMI values (p <0.05). According to the dietary behavior results, the
weekly frequency of eating breakfast was higher than those before the intervention (p<0.05). The average time of weekly exercise was also significantly increased (p<0.05). There was 83.6% attendance during 4-wks intervention.
The results showed that the group intervention and nutrition education had a ameliorative effect on the BMI and WHR in elementary obese children. As the result of dietary behavior and lifestyle, we found the 4-wks intervention resulted in a higher frequency of eating breakfast and physical exercise. Our data suggested that group intervention and nutrition education had a slightly preventive role against children obesity.