摘要: | 過去與外部效益分析相關的文獻,大多應用於評估公園、綠地、都市林及景觀等方面。而與古蹟相關的文獻,則絕大部分係在探討居民對於古蹟的認知和觀感,抑或對於房價的影響,而較少深入分析其所具備之外部休閒效益特性。故本研究針對此一課題進行探討,在研究對象方面係選定台南市億載金城、安平古堡、五妃廟、孔子廟、大天后宮、祀典武廟及赤崁樓七處一級古蹟。首先建構特徵價格模型,進行都市歷史文化財外部效益評估。模型主要包括結構與區位兩大類變數,藉以驗證可能影響安平區與中西區成交房地產交易價格之變數。實證過程同時結合應用地理資訊系統(Geographic Information Systems; GIS)建置圖籍與屬性資料庫,俾利量測成交房地產區位與各變數間之距離。此外,有關量測距離方面,係區分為街道距離與直線距離分別實施。本研究參考Rosen (1974)總成其他學者之理論提出的建議,採用一般函數型態(線性函數、半對數函數、逆半對數函數
承上所述,本研究再以七處一級古蹟周邊500公尺範圍內之372位當地居民為對象,針對都市歷史文化財外部休閒效益予以探討。首先透過文獻回顧與統計,可將都市歷史文化財外部休閒效益歸納為「購屋動機」、「公共設施與空間」、「古蹟休閒功能」與「滿意度評價」等四項因素,據以作為建構結構方程模式(Structural Equation Model, SEM)之基礎。
其次經由所發展的模式指出,上述四項因素反映「休憩功能」、「鄰近古蹟」、「休憩空間」與「社區發展」等四個變項,對於都市歷史文化財外部休閒效益具有較高之影響程度。最後的結果則驗證了當地居民的初始購屋選擇行為,確實考慮與重視鄰近古蹟所能獲得之休閒利益。換言之,本研究藉由不同主體的交互分析方式,更加明確證實了都市歷史文化財具有正向外部休閒效益之假設。 Previous studies regarding the externalitie of historical cultural assets have focused on parks, green land, urban forests, and even landscaping. Few have investigated the relationship between the external leisure benefits of historical cultural assets and real estate prices. This paper aims to estimate the external leisure benefits of first-tier historical sites in the city of Tainan, Taiwan. A hedonic model was developed to analyze the aforementioned benefits of the Eternal Golden Castle, the An Ping Old Fort, the Five Concubines Temple, the Confucius Temple, the Great Queen of Heaven Temple, the Sacrificial Rites Martial Temple and the Chikan Tower. Variables related to the structural characteristics and locational distance were tested for their influence on real estate sale prices. Geographic information systems (GIS) were used in determining hedonic price model variables. Measurement distance was operationalized as either city-block distance or straight-line distance. Following Rosen (1974), we employed the common functional forms (linear, semi-log linear, log-linear and dual-log linear) in our multiple regression analysis.
To explore the external leisure benefits of historical cultural assets in the city, we used structural equation modeling (SEM) techniques to test the hypothesized relations in a sample of 372 residents who reside within 500 meters of the aforementioned sites. Based on previous studies, the external leisure benefits of historical cultural assets can be categorized as “housing motivation”, “public facilities and space”, “leisure functions of historical and cultural assets” and “satisfaction evaluation.” These four factors were used in our SEM model. The dual-log linear functional forms of city-block distance and straight-line distance demonstrated the best fit for our hedonic model.
The results also confirmed that the external leisure benefits impact of historical cultural assets have a positive impact on real estate sale prices. Moreover, our model revealed that the “leisure function”, “proximity to historical and cultural asset”, “recreational space” and “community development” variables have the highest impact on the housing motivation, the public facilities and space, the leisure functions of historical the cultural assets, and the satisfaction evaluation factors, respectively. Meanwhile, the local residents indeed considered the latent leisure benefits of proximity to historical cultural assets in their initial housing choice behavior. In summary, this study confirmed the hypothesized relationship between external leisure benefits of historical cultural assets of the city. |