在生物科技領域及醫藥研究中必須的重要步驟之一,是能將所要研究分析的細胞或粒子,從一群混和物中分離分類出來[1 - 4]。由於雷射誘導螢光微細胞分類(FACS)[5-9],及磁力激發原理(MACS)[5,6]的細胞分類晶片方法,需用到複雜實驗控
制平台,方能達到上述分類功能。本研究靠簡單微流道及電極設計,可針對目標細胞(target cell)篩選及與其它生物粒子分離。 In the field of biotechnology and
medical applications, that needs the
ability to sort out the cells of interest
from the sample mixture. The
traditional sorter such as
fluorescence-activated cell sorter
( FACS), and magnetic-activated cell
sorter ( MACS), micro -fabricated flow
switches. They all need complex and
expensive equipment to sort out the
targets. In this study, the ideas of using
MEMS technology to design a sorter
simply apply the DEP force to separate
the cell from the mixture.