在台灣的一般大學課程,若要實施全英語教學有其困難度。但是受到大學國際化的影響,全英語教學有其實施的必要性。分子生物學是生物科技學系學生的必修課,也是比較適合推行全英語講授的科目之一。因此,本研究是以生物科技學系修習分子生物學的大三學生為對象,藉由教學檔案、座談、問卷、作業與試卷及教室觀察,分析影響大學實施全英語教學的一般因子並探討實施全英語教學學生的整體學習情況,影響學生學習的其他因子以及學生的個人因素等,作為研究的主題。研究結果顯示(1)學生的整體學習情況:多數學生對全英語授課的接受意願,容易受教學者的個人特質和教學品質的影響。學生因為耽心語文能力不佳,所以對母語產生高度的依賴感。因此,對全英語授課產生抗拒與害怕的心理,造成課堂上減少或避免與教師互動的現象;教學者運用期末舉辦英語口試的方式,藉以達到增加學生口說英語的機會。在英語口試中,學生無論是教學檔案製作、軟體應用以及報告內容的組織與編輯等基本能力,都達到相當水準。但是,學生最耽心的還是口頭英語表達的能力欠佳,無法完整回答問題。(2)影響學生學習的個人因素:學生的學習態度或學習策略未能隨課程進度而適時調整,容易造成學習效果不佳。(3)影響學生學習的其他因子:教學者的信念、同仁的認同與合作以及行政單位的支持。 Generally speaking, to implement English teaching in most university in Taiwan is difficult to carry out. But it is necessary to be done in order to achieve the goal of university internalization. Molecular biology is a required course for students in the department of biological sciences and technology and also a suitable course to be taught in English. Therefore, the students taken molecular biology in the department of biological sciences and technology were chosen as research subjective. Personal and environmental factors that interfered with student learning were studied based on the information that collected from teaching file, group discussion, questionnaire, homework, written examination, and classroom observation. Firstly, most students are willing to accept the English teaching module due to the teacher’s characteristics and teaching quality. Some students avoided interacting with teacher during classes due to less confident in their spoken English. In order to promote the ability of spoken English, an English oral examination was taken in the class. Although most students are good at preparation of teaching materials, computer software management, and organization and edition of their report materials, they are still worry not to answer well in teacher’s questions because of poor English proficiency. Secondly, personal factors such as, student’s learning attitude and strategy are important factors to interfere with student learning. Finally, environmental factors including teacher’s belief, colleague’s recognition, and administration support are determined to interfere with student’s learning.