住民跌倒意外將對機構照護造成照護上之複雜度增加,更間接造成醫療資源大量支出,本研究旨在探討長期照護機構發生住民跌倒意外之情形,並以台灣地區之長期照護機構為對象,以立意取樣方式選取七家不同型態之機構住民為調查樣本,採用SAPF(Screening assessment for preventing falls)量表,評估樣本住民之跌倒危險與相關因素。本研究收案之樣本住民為228 人,平均75.7 歲,半數以上有高血壓疾病,身體功能大多是屬嚴重依賴以上之個案;經分析結果顯示有20.3%的樣本住民曾在機構中發生過跌倒,而受評估的樣本住民中有70.6%的比例具有三項以上的跌倒潛在危險因子,結果中顯示住民發生跌倒危險的性別比較以男性較高,而80 歲以上的高齡住民服用中樞神經抑制藥物劑的跌倒危險因子比例相對較高。研究結果顯示長期照護機構住民跌倒之危險性極高,需制定完善的防跌措施。 Fall events have always been common accidents of institutional care , it would be cause the cost increases and the more complexity of care in facilities. The purpose of study was to explore the fall’s risk of residents in the institutional care facilities. The study subjects were the residents who were purposive sampling from 7 long term care facilities in Taipei and Chiayi districts , SAPF scale was use to assess the situation of falls . The total numbers were 228 and their average age were 75.7 years old. The results show that had half above got hypertension and most of their physical function had heavily dependent need. There were 20.3% cases ever fall within facilities, and had 70.6% with 3 more potential risk factors of falling among study cases. In addition, we were these data showed that the higher fall risk in men, and the residents who were over the age of 80 take the drug of inhibit the central nervous system had relatively high risk of fall in facilities. The results indicates a high risk of falling in residents of long term care facilities. We suggested the managers of organization should strengthened the measures to prevent fall risk.