本研究主要在探討1950 年至2000 年代期間幼稚園及托兒所老師再教案中所使用的兒歌歌詞的演變。在「幼稚園課程標準」及「托兒所教保手冊」中,明訂兒歌為幼稚教育的主要教材之一。理論上,教材的編製應以幼兒立場為出發點。但實際上,卻常受到政治因素之影響。而兒歌歌詞受到政治因素的影響,尤其明顯。
台灣從戰後至2000 年代期間,約每隔十年間政治環境就有個大轉變。因此研究內容將以十年為一單位,將當時所使用之兒歌歌詞與當時之社會、政治情況相對照之。 This study mainly investigated the changes of the lyrics in the nursery rhymes used in teachers’ teaching plans in the kindergartens and nursery schools during 1950 to 2000. In “Kindergarten Curriculum Standard” and “Education and Care Handbook of Nursery School”, it was set that nursery rhyme was one of the major teaching materials of early childhood education. In theory, the editing and production of teaching material should be based on the benefits for young children’s; however, in reality, they were always affected by political factors. It was particularly obvious that the lyrics of nursery rhymes were affected by it.
From World War II to 2000, there was a huge transformation in the political environment about every decade in Taiwan. Therefore, this study used a decade to be a unit and compared the lyrics of nursery rhymes with the social and political situation in every decade.