在新產品開發過程中,顧客之聲音或其感受通常是具模糊現象的,同時由於企業資源有限,如何評估各種策略機會亦考驗決策者之智慧,本研究擬以新產品開發過程為研究對象,應用品質機能展開(QFD)方法於新產品開發階段,並建構一具模糊處理能力之決策支援系統,以協助新產品開發過程中各階段各種策略選擇機會。於本研究中,首先發展以品質機能展開(QFD)應用於顧客聲音之收集與分析並轉換為產品規格。接著,整合模糊理論並應用於各種商品化方案之最佳選擇,期望藉由理論的研究與研究者本身的新產品開發與管理的實務經驗,釐清新產品開發的邏輯,整理的新產品開發的脈絡,讓產品開發工作成為一件有跡可循的工作,並提供產業界做為創造企業價值的利器。 It always begins with listening to voice of customers during the new product development process. Customer voice usually is vague and possesses characteristic of fuzzy. Meanwhile, how to make decisions among many conflict and competing conditions as well as limited resources is also critical and possesses characteristic of fuzzy, too. This research plans to investigate the new product development process, integrating tools and methods such as quality function deployment (QFD) method into a fuzzy-based decision support system. In this research framework, a fuzzy based QFD will be developed to collect and analyze voice of customers and turn it into product specification; then the fuzzy decision method will help to propose some design features; finally a fuzzy-based will be employed to choose optimal alternative among all options proposed. The result would, hopefully, help practitioners improve quality and performance in their new product development process.