本研究整合市場導向、創新及內部行銷概念,探討醫院市場導向與內部行銷程度對醫院創新的影響,藉此提出對醫院管理之建議。本研究運用橫斷面量化研究,採取問卷調查法蒐集研究資料。以1992~1996年期間加入全民健保特約並通過醫院評鑑合格,屬於地區(含)以上層級的491家醫院院長與高階主管為主要研究對象,經郵寄方式與電話拜訪後,總計回收106份問卷,整體回收率為21.59%。本研究得到以下三項結果:(1)醫院市場導向程度會影響醫院的創新程度;(2)醫院市場導向程度會影響醫院內部行銷程度;(3)醫院內部行銷程度會影響醫院創新程度。建議醫院經營管理者應該運用內部行銷活動,吸引優秀的醫療專業人才,提升醫院的服務能力。此外,也應促進組織內部的跨部門協調與合作,整合醫院的內部資源,使得醫院內部資源達到最適化的運用;也可以藉由跨部門意見溝通,討論創新的醫療服務設計,運用求新求變的概念,創造出差異化的醫療服務。另外更要強調的是,以病患為中心的經營哲學,提供病患良好的醫療服務,才能夠促使醫療機構能夠於眾多的競爭者中脫穎而出。 This study examines issues on the hospital management concerning the impact of the market-oriented initiatives and internal marketing practices on innovation. A questionnaire survey was deployed to collect data. 491 hospitals passed the hospital accreditation and contracted with Bureau of National Health Insurance during 2002 to 2006 were the research subjects. Out of them, 106 valid questionnaires were collected with a response rate 21.59%. The significant results are: 1. Market orientation positively influences innovation. 2. Internal marketing positively influence market orientation. 3. Internal marketing positively influence innovation. To further enhance the innovative thinking within the hospital management, we suggested that the administrator should focus more on internal marketing to attract excellent professionals on the way to improve the capacity and quality of service. In addition, the hospital administrators should fill the role in facilitating communication and cooperation between departments, and integrate and optimize all internal resources for innovative medical service. The last but not the least, the administrators should practice the patient-centered service to lift up the service level and sustain its competitiveness over the competitors.