Four hyphomycetous fungi, including Endophragmia dimorphospora, Epicoccum purpurascens, Helicoma dennisii and Helicoma palmgenum, were newly recorded from Taiwan. These taxa were isolated from air, soil or decaying wood stem or litter covertime by single or mass spores isolation techniques, respectively. The morphological characteristics of the four taxa were closely examined, diagnosed and illustrated. Comparison of the taxa with conspecific isolates from varied geographic regions revealed a slight difference in sporulating structures. The distinctions among them were briefly discussed. 本文詳細繪圖、描述四種臺灣產隸屬於不完全菌絲孢綱 (Hyphomycetes) 之新紀錄種真菌:Endophragmia dimorphospora, Epicoccum purpurascens, Helicoma dennisii 以及 Helicoma palmgenum,並簡扼比較討論此類真菌之形態鑑定特徵,以及和分布於其它不同地域之同種真菌之異同。