福壽螺(Pomacea canaliculata),為水生經濟作物有害動物之一。97年農業統計年報顯示,臺灣地區水稻田耕種面積有逐漸減少的趨勢。但是,針對福壽螺防治的藥劑使用量上卻沒有減少的情形,推測福壽螺可能已產生較高的抗藥性。本研究針對臺灣各地區福壽螺是否有抗藥性的產生,於2009年9月至2010年2月間,分別於宜蘭(Ilan)、苗朵(Miaoli)、彰化(Changhua)及臺南(Tainan)等四佃地區水稻田中採集福壽螺,並進行耐克螺(niclosamide)及聚乙醛(metaldehyde)96小時LC50急性毒試驗。試驗同時利用單氧酶(monooxygenase)及麩胱苷肽硫基轉移醃(glutathione-S-transferases)活性來瞭解兩種除螺劑是否對福壽螺產生毒性效應。研究結果顯示,2009年9月各地區福壽螺96h-LC50急性毒試驗中,耐克螺以臺南地區(310.19μg/L)最高;聚乙醛以彰化地區(1.06mg/L)最高。2010年2月LC50急性毒試驗中,耐克螺及聚乙醛均以臺南地區最高,分別為328.10μg/L及53.37mg/L。解毒酵素monooxygenase及glutathione-S-transferases活性結果顯示,9月monooxygenase及glutathione-S-transferases活性(0.70±0.41△A/0.5hr; 0.70±0.41△A/20min)均以苗朵地區較其他地區明顯;2月monooxygenase及glutathione-S-transferases活性則是(2.09±1.46 △A/0.5hr; 0.33±0.16 △A/20min)彰化地區較其他地區明顯。實驗初步結果証實臺灣部份地區的福壽螺對於耐克螺及聚乙醱已有較高的耐受性。 Apple snails, Pomacea canaliculata is one kind of the noxious animals in crop and the farmers use molluscicide to prevent them to alive. From the Report of Taiwan's Agriculture in 2008, molluscicide was used increasingly in the crop, and the area of rice decreased in this decade. This data implication of apple snails showed that they resisted in Taiwan. This study is about molluscicide resistance of apple snails in Taiwan. In our study, we collected the apple snails from four study sites-han, Miaoli, Changhua and Tainan, in September, 2009 and in February, 2010. After collecting these apple snails in the laboratory, we used median lethal concentration (LC50), monooxygenase activity assay, and glutathione-S-transferases activity assay. In the result of 96 h-LC50 showed that the highest level in niclosamide and metaldehyde were 328.10μg/L and 53.37mg/L in the study site in Tainan in Feb., 2010, respectively. And the activity of monooxygenase and glutathione-S-transferases were the highest activity in Changhua (2.09±1.46△A/0.5hr) and Miaoli (0.70±0.41△A/20min), respectively. Based on our results, the apple snails have resisted with mollucscicide, niclosamide and metaldehyde in Taiwan.