公園綠地之發展與保育是聯合國教科文組在推動21 世紀永續發展之重要議題,係全球性都市生活品質之重要參考指標,其不僅只是資源保育與空間合理規劃利用,對於文化秩序與社會倫理之重建亦具正面作用;此外,公園綠地對環境品質之維護與提昇,亦佔有重要角色。公園綠地因具有緩衝都市化建設不斷的擴充、促進都市景觀美質、生態保育、都市防災、健康保健、休閒遊憩等不同面向的功能;故基於生活的、生產的與生態的不同層次需求,公園綠地的空間性格與空間內容自有其特殊且獨特的特徵值得探討與研究,而非單純的綠美化,但現行都市公園綠地在空間型式與機能上是否能符合使者者需求,即成為當前之重要課題。
首要之務必需要提供一個滿足使用者人需求的環境;而若要規劃一個符合使用者需求的都市公園,便必須先了解使用者的行為特性與其偏好;因此本研究深入探討國人目前對於都市公園使用之行為特性與意向,從瞭解影響民眾使用都市公園之因素著手,並藉由敘述性偏好之問卷設計,來構建一意向分析的結構關係模式。 One of the most important issues of UN is the development and conversation of urban parks policy. This issue is not only the components of regional resources and spatial plans, but also the outcomes of cultural orders and social ethics. Moreover, an urban park plays key role to environmental maintaining, leisure recreation, and urban precaution and so on. It is no doubt that an urban park is the extremely element of a city in aspects of living, production and ecology.
However, the spatial pattern and function of an urban park either consist with its characters or meet with users'needs are the motives of this study. Exploring the behavior intention of an urban park user and its influencing factors is important for enhancing urban park policy and finding out the main demand of an urban park. This study is undertaken to establish a conceptual framework to describe the behavior intention of an urban park. And a structural equation model is then employed to formulate the relationship between individual's behavior intention of an urban park and its influencing factors. A set of questionnaires will be designed and citizens in Tainan will be interviewed in order to collect the required data for empirical study purpose.