過去新產品採用研究相對較少聚焦於個人創新性與家庭成員創新性之影響,雖然過去許多研究顯示消費者創新性為新產品採用關鍵之影響因素,但以整合性觀點更進一步探討家庭成員創新性對於個人消費者創新性影響有其必要性。因此本研究將個人價值觀、市場行家以及家庭成員創新性作為影響消費者創新性之前置因素,並進一步探討消費者創新性對於新產品採用影響。本研究有 218 份完整家庭有效問卷(包括受測者雙親、兄弟姊妹、施測對象本身) ,並以線性結構方程模式進行分析。在個人觀點方面分析結果,個人價值觀中僅有開放性對於消費者創新性具有正向顯著影響;且愈有高度市場行家個性之消費者,愈具有較高的消費者創新性。在家庭觀點方面分析結果,手足創新性對於受測者創新性的影響程度高於家長創新性對於受測者創新性的影響,且消費者創新性對於新產品採用存在部分顯著之影響性。最後,本研究將彙整研究結果提出個人與家庭因素影響消費者創新性之整合模式,以提供學術與實務上的參考建議與方向。 Past studies relatively neglect how individual innovativeness and family
members’ innovativeness influence on new products adoption behavior.
Although many previous studies have shown that consumer innovativeness as
key facilitates factors with new product adoption. Therefore, further explore with an integrated perspective of family members’ innovativeness and individual innovativeness is necessary. In this study, personal values, market maven and family members’ innovativeness as the antecedent factors of consumer innovativeness, and to further explore how consumer adoption of their new products . In this study, 218 families set valid questionnaires were completed (including the target parents, target siblings, the target itself), and analysis with structural equation modeling (SEM). The finding with individual perspectives show that personal values only openness has positive significantly effect on target innovativeness; the more market maven disposition of the target has and the more consumer innovativeness disposition has. Regarding the family perspective, the sibling’s innovativeness has more influence than parent’s innovativeness on the targets, and the target innovativeness have partly significant effect with new products adoption behavior. Finally, this study proposed an integration perspective of individuals and families factors model with consumer innovativeness and provides some academic and practical suggestions and future research direction.