本研究的主旨在於探討度假型旅館產業因應觀光拔尖計畫-休閒渡假產業深度化之行銷與營運策略之分析與擬定,並嘗試從慢活及自然的東台灣為意象,發展屬於當地自然與人文特色的養生及慢活的產品。該計畫接受晶華國際酒店集團之委託,以旗下之天祥晶華度假酒店為例子針對該酒店進行全面性的營運管理總體檢。接著重新定義該度假酒店之核心行銷目標與市場定位,最後提出未來之營運策略與發展方向等建議,並結合太魯閣國家公園之資源以達到永續經營的目標。研究設計是採用個別訪談法,並設計問題以獲得質化之資料。受訪對象為該度假酒店各個負責經營管理的一級主管、主管觀光遊憩業務的國家公園官員、及當地居民。此外,對於研究結果之探討提出天祥晶華度假酒店之營運建議策略,可能遭遇之挑戰與因應對策等,均進行個別分析。本研究結果可提供相關位於國家公園境內之度假型旅館擬定未來發展策略以及度假型旅館投資開發案之參考依據。 The purpose of this research was to explore the analysis of the marketing and operation strategies for the hotel industry that are located in the national parks. This research, furthermore, was consigned by the Grand Formosa International Hotel Corporation as to conduct the thorough operational audit for its branch hotel—Grand Formosa Taroko Hotel. Consequently, it was able to advocate the recommended operation strategies and directions for the future development that could be applied for the Grand Formosa Taroko Hotel, meanwhile, incorporated with the natural resources of the Taroko National Park as to achieve the ultimate goal of sustainable development. The research methodology was conducted by the personal interview, and the interview questions were designed in order to obtain the qualitative insights. The interviewees were carefully selected as they are the top management team members, national park recreation division director and local resident. Furthermore, the proposed strategies, impacts and challenges on the organization, and suggested strategies for actions were also individually discussed. The research results could be recommended as the essential insights for the corporate development strategies of the resorts hotels and the investment projects within the national parks.