自1943年人工智慧問世以來,人工智慧的研究延伸至不同的領域,專家系統應運而生。專家系統顧名思義為模擬專家智慧的電腦系統。專家所具備的知識由知識工程師將轉換成數位資料後儲存於知識庫(knowledge base)中,經知識比對與推理機制(reasoning)過程後產生特定領域問題的解決方法。 規則庫專家系統將專家的知識以規則的方式呈現並儲存於知識庫中,當真實世界的事實(facts)存於資料庫中,專家系統將事實與知識庫中的規則進行比對與透過推理機制,能提供最佳的解決方案。 本研究以旅行業常用相關之法規,計有10種法規含346條文。將法規以規則之方式表示後得1508規則。使用專家系統外殻(expert system shell)CLIPS為開發工具,將已規則化的知識儲存於知識庫中,利用CLIPS的推理機制建構一旅行業相關法規之專家系統,提供旅行業經營與營運問題解決與法規查詢的參考。 The expert system technique is derived from artificial intelligence, and solves the problems only solved by and through acquiring and reasoning knowledge from human experts. The research is subjected to establish an alternative expert system for solving the problems and simulating the expertise of the administrations and laws related to travel agencies. A rule‐based expert system shell (CLIPS) was used to acquire knowledge from 9 laws and 1 administration, generating 1506 rules stored in the knowledge base. Matching the facts with rules in the knowledge base by forwarding reasoning, the expert system provides the alternative solutions of problem solving for travel agencies