本研究參考工業界所熟悉的失效模式與影響分析(Failure Mode and Effect Analysis,FMEA)手法,依產品生命週期階段,由產品綠色設計法則出發,建立以產品造成之環境衝擊、安全與衛生危害狀況為失效模式之檢核表,以縮短腦力激盪所需的時間。藉由建構包含環境、安全與衛生之綜合性指標,作為評估失效發生時產生的風險,並據以作為設計者或工程師改進的優先選擇對象或評估改良成效。同時,進一步將產品發生的環境失效模式結合TRIZ 綠色創新設計方法,期待能於產品設計初期,彌補經驗或知識不足,提供系統化產品綠色設計解決方案。 An Eco-innovative product design tool combining the concept of green design with failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) is presented in this study. The proposed approach is on the basis of FMEA structure well known in industry and takes the environment, safety and health into consideration. The checklist of eco-failure can guide designers or engineers to find the more serious burdens and the recommended actions those come from the TRIZ contradiction matrix help them to search for feasible solutions. Both of them will much shorten the time for brainstorm and make up for the lack of experience.