本研究的目的有三項:第一是探討性別與年齡因素是否影響危害標示顏色的風險知覺;第二是檢視性別與年齡因素是否影響人們常用的危害警告文字,諸如:危險、警告、注意、小心、禁止及告知等文字之風險知覺;第三是檢視情境因素,加入骷髏圖案是否影響標示顏色與警告文字的風險知覺。93 位科技大學生接受測驗,其中有16位女生,77 位男生。受測者觀看63 組顏色搭配危害警告文字的題組測驗,每一題組呈現單一用語及顏色,回答每一題組的危害風險知覺。相同的測驗有兩組,一組有搭配骷髏頭圖案,另一組沒有搭配。研究結果顯示性別與年齡因素不會影響標示顏色與警告文字的風險知覺。加入情境因素骷髏圖案,對低風險知覺之顏色,如黃、橘、綠、藍與白等顏色之風險知覺顯著高於沒有骷髏之標示。反應風險知覺比較低的「禁止」、「警告」、「小心」、「注意」、「告知」、與「指示」等六種警告文字,有骷髏圖案時風險知覺顯著高於沒有圖案者。加入骷髏圖案時,對於顏色的風險等級分類,由六個顏色風險等級減少為三個風險等級;警告文字比較不受情境因素之影響,仍有五個風險等級。 The purpose of this study is to explore the influence factors about gender, age, and contests to the risk perception of signal words of Chinese characters, e.g., danger, warning, caution, attention and notice etc., associating with warning colors. 93 subjects were tested the risk perception of signal words with color by using a computer PowerPoint display, looking at 63 sets of color-matching hazard warning word sign including nine words and seven colors. The results showed that there was no significant difference in risk perception of hazard warning words and color between different gender and age groups; however, there was statistical significant different effects in context by adding skull in the sign with warning words and color. There were three conclusions when adding skull in the sign. First, the risk perception increased between hazard warning words and color when adding skull in the sign. Second, the order of the risk perception of the hazard warning words and color by adding skull was the same as it was without adding skull. Third, when skull was added in hazard warning sign, hazard risk levels changed from six to three levels in seven hazard warning colors, and six hazard risk levels change to five levels in nine signal hazard warning words.