本研究目的是探討噪音暴露對危害物質標示之認知研究,第一、探討無噪音下,受測者對危害標示之認知,瞭解受測者在不同的知覺速度下對標示內容之認知影響;第二、探討噪音暴露,瞭解不同知覺速率受測者對危害標示之認知影響;第三、接受危害標示訓練課程後,比較噪音暴露組與非暴露組在不同知覺速率的危害物質標示認知。研究樣本是187 名大學生。研究工具是電腦螢幕顯示之危害標示測驗,包括六個子測驗,及危害標示的電腦訓練教材。前測驗成績顯示暴露噪音對成績無顯著影響,但是,知覺速率5 秒組顯著低於7 秒組的成績,但是,噪音暴露因素與知覺速率因素有顯著的交互作用。後測驗成績仍然顯示知覺速率5 秒組顯著低於7 秒組,暴露於噪音對後測驗成績沒有顯著影響,此二因子對後測驗沒有顯著交互作用。 The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of perception speed and noise exposure on the cognition of chemical hazardous labeling. 178 college students participate in this study. The materials and tests are six computer hazardous labeling tests and a set of computer version of hazardous labeling teaching material. The results shows that the score in 5 second group of perception speed of the test is significant lower than the score in 7 second group in pretest; there is no significant effect in exposure noise factor; however, in pretest show that there is a significant interaction effect between perception speed and noise exposure factor. In posttest, the score in 5 second group of perception speed of the test is significant lower than the score in 7 second group; similarly, there is no significant main effect in noise exposure factor; there is no significant interaction effect between perception speed and noise exposure factor.